MY INTERNSHIP JOURNEY IN GENERAL MEDICINE I'm an intern, posted in general medicine department for 2 months including 2 weeks of psychiatry. First 2 weeks: Posted in Department of Psychiatry: Attended the OPD in department of psychiatry and observed various spectrum of psychiatric disorders in the patients. Studied symptomatology regarding various psychiatric disorder spectrums. I got to know about the ICD-10 Classification of psychiatry disorders and also DSM Classification of diseases. Done night duties for observation of psychiatry patients of withdrawal syndromes. And learnt how to manage them. Attended the De addiction centre visits and observed the various types of medical, behavioural therapy going on there. Learnt how to attend rounds for the patients and how to write repeats in the casesheets from post graduates. Typed, studied and submitted the discharge summaries of various patients under department of psychiatry. From this I learnt how to discharge a ...